Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Blog Post 9

What I've Learned This Year, by Mr. McClung, is an extraordinary example of how teachers can grow and learn as educators through self-reflection. Self-reflection is useful in many careers, but I believe it is mandatory for teachers to evaluate their teaching methods and strategies. Teachers must ask themselves everyday after the lesson, "Did I make this lesson meaningful and relevant for my students?, Were my students actively involved in learning?, and, Was the focus on my students during the lesson or myself? I also believe that teachers must ask themselves these questions while planning their daily lessons.

Mr. McClung's statement that teachers become centered in the delivery of the lesson and miss the most important aspect is an accurate observation, in my opinion. However, in a teacher's defense, they are often focused on Adequate Yearly Progress, AYP, and test scores which causes them to lose perspective, because they want their students to do their best during testing. Therefore, I believe teachers can get caught up in delivering the lesson rather than focusing on the student's participation in the lesson. It is a honest mistake on a teacher's part, but teachers must be mindful of this scenario happening, and be willing to change it.

I also believe that teachers must relinquish control of the lesson. Teaches must plan their lessons very well, but the students must be the ones in control of the production process for the lesson. This could take years of experience on the teachers part, but it is the key component in allowing students to be in control of their learning. Flexibility is an important ingredient in teaching. Teachers must be patient with their students and themselves. Every lesson does not go the way the teacher plans, no matter how hard they try. Being flexible and being able to adapt to change will enhance learning and teacher development.

Another point made by Mr. McClung is teachers need to be reasonable. There is nothing wrong with having high expectations for students. But the expectation must be for the student to do their very best not to be perfect. Teachers should focus on quality work by being a good example to their students. Furthermore, if teachers know their students, they will know if the student is giving their personal best. As teachers and individuals that is all we can ask and expect from students.

Communication is necessary to make the work place a positive, and productive place to be. It is essential to communicate with colleagues and parents in order to make your school the best place to learn, and work. Teachers must have good rapport and a professional relationship with other teachers, administrators, and parents in order to make the school and educational setting thrive. School is no place for "drama", unfortunately it does exist, but don't allow yourself to be a part of it!

Last, technology is the future of education. It must be accepted and embraced as a great and powerful tool for educating students. Teachers must be willing to learn as much as possible to prepare students for the future in our global community. The world has become a smaller place due to technology, teachers must be responsible for getting students ready for a competitive workforce and society.



  1. Thorough, thoughtful, well written. Your elaborations and personalizations add a lot to an understanding of the issues addressed by Mr. McClung. Well done indeed!

    Last week Mr. McClung posted his third annual reflection. I think they get better and better. It will take only 5 minutes or so to read the 2010-2011 What I Learned This Year. I highly recommend it!

  2. I understand that teachers tend to get caught up in making sure that their students do well during their testing and this makes it difficult to focus on students responses and participation to the lessons. This makes it difficult for teachers, they want their students to be successful in the classroom and want them to participate but they also want them to do well on testing. There are also all of the pressures of pleasing your superiors. It can be really difficult to balance all of these things.

    I agree that teachers need to embrace technology and learn all that they can in order to pass their knowledge on to their students. Technology has become a necessity. In order to make it in society these days you have to have at least some comprehension of technology in order to succeed. Great blog Regina!

    Cinda Prescott

  3. Regina,
    The questions you raise in your first paragraph are great. It is very important to prevent burnout within the first 5 years. These questions will help keep teachers focused on what is important: teaching the students. You bring up a good point about the AYP. It will take real self-reflection to stay focused especially as testing rolls around. It will be important for us as teachers to be able to multi task these two almost opposing sides of test prep and testing versus staying focused on the students. I agree with your points, and think that Dr. Strange and this class are helping to show us how to “relinquish control” in our classrooms.
    Good Luck,
    Bobbi Jo

  4. Communication is very important for any program to be successful! And GREAT advice about avoiding drama. Good post once again!
