Friday, July 1, 2011

Blog Post 10

In the video,   Do You Teach Or Do You Educate?,  it displays glaring difference in the two meanings. In the video, teaching refers to showing, explaining, giving information, causing someone to learn something or to understand something. But the most surprising reference was, that to teach is to induce by example or punishment to do or not to do something. These referrals pertaining to teaching shocked me, but also made me take notice. This is the way teachers continue to teach in the classroom. This is how I have taught in the classroom. It is not a positive or motivating factor for students to become life-long learners.

In contrast, to educate, refers to these meanings, to enlighten, inspire, empower, and illuminate. If teachers practice and focus on educating students, they in turn will be life-long learner. An education gives students the capability to achieve anything that they desire. Teachers as educators will be mentors, adviser, and guides. Educate students rather than teach them!

educational quote

The article, Don't Let Them Take The Pencil Home,  in my opinion,  refers to an indirect comparison between the past/present and pencils/computers. By replacing the word pencils with computers, the article will reflect today's situation.

The article describes low income students not using pencils(computers)because their parents do not use them at work. Therefore,  pencils(computers) are used for entertainment, or toys.

Mr. Johnson's solution was to meet with parents and students to explain how pencils(computers) can be used for learning. Parent education is one of the best educational strategies for teachers. Although the pencils(computers) are being used for entertainment, learning will still filter into the equation and will take place.

The last comment was priceless, the comment on Mr. Johnson's test scores, like he is the one taking the test.  It is so easy for teachers to become engrossed with test score results. Keep the focus on education and everything else will fall into place.

pencil verses computer

1 comment:

  1. You got it! Pencils are a metaphor for technology (broader than computers) Well done. So far 50% have missed the metaphor.

    Please read these two follow up posts I wrote last semester:

    Metaphor Discussion Update

    Everyone is Thinking About Metaphors

    And here is the post for those who missed the metaphor:

    Metaphors: What They Are and Why We Use Them
